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Thermometer Clip Holder for Glass Thermometers

Steel thermometer clip holder for glass thermometers
Product no.: 1345A, Weight: 25 g., In stock
Price for
1 item: 48,00 DKK

Picture of Thermometer Clip Holder for Glass Thermometers

This clip holder has a 6,5 diameter hole and fits our glass thermometers.

A clip holder ensures your thermometer stays in place in the correct position when you need to continuously monitor the temperature in a cooking pot.



Cart - This product     Qty. Per Unit Price
Thermometer Clip Holder for Glass Thermometers 48,00 DKK
0,00 DKK
Cart - Total Inkl. moms   0,00 DKK


Gently press on each side of the clip tol join the two holes together, fit your thermometer through both holes, then place the clip holder on the top edge of your source pan. 


Hole diameter: 6,5mm.

Shipment weight25g

Shipping (Danmark): 49,00 DKK - Select country:
You may add additional 375 g for the same shipment price. See more here.

Thermometer Clip Holder for Glass Thermometers
Steel thermometer clip holder for glass thermometers
Product no.: 1345A, Weight: 25 g., In stock
Price for
1 item: 48,00 DKK

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Updated: 2024-07-27 02:09:08
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