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The following Terms and Conditions apply when you order products from Hjemmeriet.

Payment and transaction feed 

Regardless of payment method, payment will be completed without addition of transaction fees.

Payment can be done online and safe using the following methods:

  • Credit cards, PayPal and MobilePay - Through QuickPay

    - Visa
    - Mastercard
    - Dankort

    The invoiced amount will not be drawn from your bank account until we have dispatched the order. It is not possible to draw additional cost than specified in the invoice.

  • Bank transfer, pre-payment:

    Pre-payment can be done to the following bank account:

    IBAN DK7920006295990676, BIC/Swift NDEADKKK.
    (Nordea Reg. Nr. 2360, Account 6295 990 676)

    Please state your name / order number.
    The order will be processed as soon as we register the payment.

  • e-Invoicing

    Public institutions and private companies from Denmark can use the elektronic invoice (e-Faktura). You must then specify the relevant EAN registration number and specify a requisition id to the order. 


All prices shown on this web-site is by default including Danish VAT (moms) on 25%. You may switch to prices without VAT using the selection field located in the bottom of the product list.

Shipments to countries within EU and Norway will be invoiced including danish VAT.

Shipments to countries not within EU, which includes Iceland, Greenland and Fareo Islands, will be invoiced without VAT. You will be subject to be invoiced with a VAT payment from your national authorities according to national regulations. Read more on VAT for countries not within EU through this link.

Order confirmation 

As soon as you have completed your order, we will send an order confirmation to the specified e-mail address. We recoment that you keep this order confirmation.

If you want a copy of the order confirmation, you may send a mail to Hjemmeriet@hjemmeriet.com.

When we dispatch your order, you will include a paper copy of the invoice - keep this for eventual claims/warranty.

You may inspect your order along with previous orders by logging in on our web-site. Your username is your e-mail address. Upon ordering you will recieve an e-mail including a password. You may login and change this password, but be aware that this password is stored internally in an non-encrypted manner. If you forget the password you can use facilities on our website to obtain a new password.

Dokumentation og instructions 

For products which has a written description or instruction for use, this will be shipped with the product.

Shipment and shipment costs

Hjemmeriet will ship using PostNord.

The price for shipment is included in the invoiced amount and will be displayed in the invoice.

You are always welcome to pick up the ordered item and thereby save the shipment cost. This can be specified during the final step of ordering.

Shipments will be shipped as packet-mail with Track & Trace possibility.

Click to see actual shipment costs

Delivery time 

We do our best to ship orders right away if you order before 14 o'clock. Under normal conditions your order will be shipped right away or within 2 workdays.

For large orders or orders which need special handling you may experience a delivery time up to 1 week. 

The mentioned delivery times refer to shipments within Denmark.

For shipments outside of Denmark, you must expect 1-2 extra days for delivery.

For shipments outside EU (which includes Norway, Iceland, Greenland and Faroe Islands) you must expect 2 extra work days due to customs and VAT treatment of the shipment.

Customer safety 

Ordering from our web-side is subject to rules and regulations given by Danish law, desribed throuih the following link (in Danish) Forbrugeraftaleloven (pdf).

Right of claims and withdrawal 

If you regret your purchage, you can send an e-mail to: Hjemmeriet@hjemmeriet.com and inform us that you want to change or cancel the order. Please inform us the order number.

Canceling an order is free of charge as long as you inform us before we have dispatched the order. If you want to cancel your order after the order has been dispatched, you may return the products to us within 14 days after you recieve the products as long af the products are unused. Your right to cancel the order therefore is no longer valid if you have used or damaged the products.

Note: You cannot cancel orders on food item, including bacterial cultures and enzymes, cf. "Forbrugeraftalelovens § 9, stk. 2, nr. 1". Refunding an order will not include the value for these products.

You have to pay the shipment cost back to Hjemmeriet, and we will pay you back the full invoiced amount, shipment included, excluded the value for food items.

Shipments returned to Hjemmeriet using "Cash on Delivery" is not accepted. 

Returned products must be shipped to:

Nyvangsvej 93
4100 Ringsted

If you cancel your order, we will refund the paid amount. This amount will be refunded when we have recieved the products and have controlled that the products are in good condition.

Claims and warranty

By law you will be entitled to have a 24 months period of claims and warranty. This means that you may have the product repaired, money back or refund to some extent, depending on the situation.

It is natural that your right is only valid for cases which can justify that the claim is not caused by misusage of the product.

How fast should I react on claims? 

You must inform us about your claim in "due time" after you have discovered the issue. If you inform us within 2 months after the issue has been detected, this is regarded as "Due time".

We refund fair shipment costs
If the claim is fair, we will refund you the (fair) shipment cost as well.

In cases of claims, please send the product to:
Nyvangsvej 93 
4100 Ringsted

Remember that the products must be shipped using sound packaging and you must get a receipt on the shipment so that we may refund the shipment cost.

If you return products, we need the following information:

Please inform us about the reason for the claim - as detailed as possible.

: We do not accept "Cast on Delivery" shipment.

In case of claims and withdrawal

If you have returned a product to us due to claims or withdrawal, we will send you a confirmation mail when we recieve the products. In the mail you will get information about how we finalize the situation.

Privacy policy

Orders made through our web-site is managed using safe encrypted payment methods which garanties that the given information cannot be handed over to unauthorized systems or persons.

The actual payment is take care of by systems managed by Nets and personal account details issued during ordering will at no time be presented to or stored in our databases. Payment using credit card is carried our according to laws and rules for online payment in Denmark and this ensure your safety and confidence.

If a third person is mis-using your credit card, you are not personally liable for this mis-use, unless you haven't followed the proper rules for using your credit card. 

We only use your personal information to make it easier for you to shop on our web-site. We do not sell or share your personal information with other parties.

What we do with your personal information

In order to complete a purchage through our web-site, you must provide the following information:

Telephone number
E-mail address

We register this information to be able to ship the ordered products to you.
The personal information is stored for up to 5 years, after which the information is deleted from out custom database.

When we ask for your personal information, we make sure that you acknowledge this.

The manager and the employees at Hjemmeriet have access to the personal information.

We do not store your personal information encrypted and we do not transmit your personal informations encrypted. 

When you sign up for newsletter, we only register your e-mail address and your name. We do not share this information with others.

As a registered person in the customer database, you always have the right to object to this registration. You also have the right to be informed about which information we store. These rights is defined through the Danish "Persondataloven" and question to this matter must be addressed to Hjemmeriet via e-mail hjemmeriet@hjemmeriet.com.

On our web-site we make use of cookies with the aim of optimizing your visit on our web-site and make your personal experience with the web-site better.
You can always delete the cookies from your computer - the way to do so depends on which browser you use.

If you have question regaring cookies, please contact

Nyvangsvej 93
4100 Ringsted
Telephone: (+45) 23244800
E-mail: Hjemmeriet@hjemmeriet.com

We use web-statistics at hjemmeriet.com. This means that the statistics-system gathers information about which pages you visit. This information 
gives us a statistical picture of how many visitors we have, where they come from and which parts of our web-site they visit. 

Webstatistikken used only for the purpose of optimizing our web-site.

Our web-site is "e-mærket", og you are therefore have access to e-mærkets free customer hotline, when you shop with us.



Hjemmeriets online shop comply to the trading rules set up by e-mærket and therefore you always have access to the e-mærket free consumer hotline when you shop with us. When you shop at Hjemmeriets online store, you are also covered by the e-mærke buyer protection. Read more about this at https://www.emaerket.dk/forbruger/gratis-koeberbeskyttelse or call +45 44 85 85 90

If you wish to complain about your purchase, please contact Hjemmeriet on telephone +45 23 24 48 00 or by mail Hjemmeriet@hjemmeriet.com.

If we fail to find a solution, you can file a complaint to the relevant boards in the area if the conditions are met.

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Carl Jacobsensvej 35
2500 Valby


In case you are living in another EU country than Denmark, you can complain to the European Commission's online complaint portal herehttp://ec.europa.eu/odr


Terms and Conditions were updated 26/12-2016 


Cancellation form

(This form is completed and returned in case of cancellation)



Nyvangsvej 93 
4100 Ringsted 


I hereby give notice that I wish to cancel the order of the following goods / services:



Order date: ______________________     Received date: __________________________


Customer name: _____________________________________________________________________


Customer address:  ___________________________________________________________________


Customer signature: _________________________________________      Date: _________________

(only if the form is delivered on paper)

Copyright (c) Hjemmeriet - 2009..2025 - Nyvangsvej 93, 4100 Ringsted - Bemærk: Cirka 20 km fra Ringsted centrum
Telefon: 23 24 48 00 - E-Mail: Hjemmeriet@Hjemmeriet.com - CVR.nr. 41408391 - Hjemmeriet v/Eva Maria Jochimsen
Updated: 2025-02-08 21:00:13
3/0 - Visitors: 1524481 - 0..-1..0..