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Tips and Tricks

We want to give our experiences - good and bad - on so others can benefit from them.

We collect these hints, tips, tricks, suggestions and other useful information on this site in the form of a series of links to information, descriptions that folds out, and by extension of selected recipes, so that these recipes are woven additional information into recipe text.

Whether this is the final form yet unknown, but it is our first bid in an effective way to give a little nugget to others.

The recipes that expands with comments found below.
Click on the link and you will see the recipe with comments.
You will be able to print the recipe with comments by print button in the left corner and you will be able to turn comments off and on.

We welcome suggestions and comments - would also like to wish for better or new initiatives.

Lav en saltlage til din fetaost


Make a brine for your feta cheese

Link to Regulate texture and flavor of homemade cheese

Adjustment of texture and flavor of homemade yoghurt

Feta (Muta) recipe - With comments

Brie/Camembert recipe - With comments

If you have questions, comments or suggestions you are always welcome to contact us.

Copyright (c) Hjemmeriet - 2009..2025 - Nyvangsvej 93, 4100 Ringsted - Bemærk: Cirka 20 km fra Ringsted centrum
Telefon: 23 24 48 00 - E-Mail: Hjemmeriet@Hjemmeriet.com - CVR.nr. 41408391 - Hjemmeriet v/Eva Maria Jochimsen
Updated: 2025-02-08 20:06:09
3/0 - Visitors: 1524478 - 0..-1..0..