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Natural salt, coarse - 1kg

Natural coarse salt granules, mined in Germany
Product no.: 9554, Weight: 1050 g., In stock
Price for
1 item: 22,00 DKK
6 items: 120,00 DKK

Picture of Natural salt, coarse - 1kg

Salt is not just salt - quality matters!

Whichever deliciuos foods you prepare at home, whether it is bread, cheeses or something else, adding salt is very important to the flavor. Using a good quality salt with natural refined flavours is an exellent idea. Especiallly when making cheeses, as any additives from standard salts may easily influence texture and flavors of you cheeses, in an undesireable way.

Mined in Germany - No additives - just salt in its natural occuring form. 



Cart - This product     Qty. Per Unit Price
Natural salt, coarse - 1kg 22,00 DKK
0,00 DKK
Cart - Total Inkl. moms   0,00 DKK

Other products with similar contents:

- Hjemmeriet > Sausages > Salt: Natural salt, coarse - 1kg


Shipment weight1050g

Shipping (Dänemark): 49,00 DKK - Select country:
You may add additional 550 g for the same shipment price. See more here.

Natural salt, coarse - 1kg
Natural coarse salt granules, mined in Germany
Product no.: 9554, Weight: 1050 g., In stock
Price for
1 item: 22,00 DKK
6 items: 120,00 DKK

Show prices:

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