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This is fresh water kefir grains which will enable you to produce water kefir.
This could be an alternative to milk kefir for those who may not tolerate dairy kefir.
For easy straining of the kefir we recommend a plastic strainer: Strainer - 10 cm or Strainer - 14 cm
See also our Kefir grains for milk and Kombucha for tea.
Water kefir grains, also called Tibicos, consists of many small grain like formations. 1 portion is equal to app. 1 spoonful of kefir grains and will be delivered in a bottle with a small amount of water kefir. When starting up your production, you will use both the kefir grains and the supplied water kefir from the bottle.
Contents: 50 ml.
UsageWater kefir is a drink which is prepared by means of water kefir grains submerged in a sugar solution. If you like, dried fruits can be added for taste development. Water kefir is slightly sour. Depending on the sugar you use and how long you leave it to ferment the water kefir will become more or less acidic. The kefir grains are jelly-like lumps consisting of a network of cellulose which is created by an interaction between the beneficial microorganisms (bacteria and yeast) found on and inside the kefir grains. The kefir grains simply consists of sugar molecules joined together in very long chainss. By the activity performed by the microorganisms, the grains will grow in number and size along with the production of lactic acid, carbon dioxide and a small amount of alcohol. To produce a new batch of water kefir, simply seperate the kefir grains from the liquid, transfer the grains to a clean container, add water and sugar and eventually dried fruits and let it sit at room temperature for 1-2 days. If you want to take a break from the production of water kefir, the kefir grains can be dried, frozen or put to sleep in a weak sugar solution in the refrigerator. When you want to make a new bath, simply wake up the kefir grains by normal procedures. DosageContents of 50 ml is intended for 2 dl. Note om dosering af bakteriekulturer og enzymer
Storage and DurabilityStore refrigerated (do not freeze).
RecipeIn a suitable glass jar with lid, mix Kefir grains and a small amount of water kefir, Fill up the glass jar adding about ½ liter of water and add lid. It is a good idea to place the dried fruit (apricots, cranberries, raisins, and the like, as well as a little lemon peel) inside an empty tea bag. Let the glass jar sit on the kitchen table for 1-2 days. Seperate the water kefir from the grains by pouring the mixture through a sieve into a second container - the grains and a small portion of the water kefir must be used to start your next batch. With the drained off water kefir, you may add honey or fruit juice and leave this mix for another day or two on the kitchen table (called second fermentation) then move the container to the refrigerator. If you close the container with a tightly closed lid, you can obtain a sparkling kefir. But be careful because your kefir may build up a significant pressure. Remove the fruit and lemon from the kefir grains and start all over again. All ingredients must be organic. NOTE: In the start-up phase, you may experience that you obtain a limited degree of acidification due to the small amount of kefir grains. After some time the amount of kefir grains has grown and acidification level will increase accordingly. - Enjoy - TipsHer er et forslag til en super smoothie / greenie. Per portion, cirka 3½ dl: ½ avocado Det hele blender i kort tid og hældes på et stort glas, som kan toppes med en spsk. afskallet hampefrø. Varier smoothien efter smag - tilsæt gerne et stykke frosset banan, stykker af friske eller frostne grøntsager. |