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Air lock - SteriLock

Air lock for fermentation
Product no.: 7030Steri, Weight: 40 g., Temporarily out of stock
Price for
1 item: 18,00 DKK
3 items: 50,00 DKK

Picture of Air lock - SteriLockPicture of Air lock - SteriLockPicture of Air lock - SteriLockPicture of Air lock - SteriLockPicture of Air lock - SteriLock
Picture of Air lock - SteriLock

SteriLock is a small smart fermenter for use in all types of fermentation. During fermentation, excess air pressure in the fermentation vessel will pass through SteriLock, without the risk of air or bacteria entering the container from the outside - see the product images.

SteriLock works without the use of water, as opposed to a traditional air lock. Inside SteriLock is a nano seal that allows air to pass while particles, bacteria or other microorganisms can not pass through the seal.

As the SteriLock lets out excessive pressure created in the container (CO2 created by fermentation), there is no risk of the container bursting due to the created overpressure in the container.

This air lock needs a plastic lid with hole and grommet with our standard glass jars with a opening diameter of 82 mm and forms a practical little kit for fermenting vegetables. When the fermentation process is complete and you want to store it in the fridge, simply remove lid and replace it with a standard lid with no hole.

To ensures optimal fermentation and kick off the process faster a starter culture can be added when preparing the vegetables.

Learn more about fermentation procedures and processes click here



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Air lock - SteriLock 18,00 DKK
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Fermentering vil udvikle CO2. Fermenterer du grøntsager i et fødevareglas vil denne CO2 skabes nede i glasset, mellem grøntsagerne og får grøntsagerne til at udvide sig, og dermed skubbe sig opad i glasset.

Det er vigtigt, at du tager højde for dette når du fylder glasset: Sørg for ikke at fylde glasset mere en 3/4-op med grøntsager og lage, dvs. der skal være 1/4-del af glassets volumen til overs, til at starte med.

Du kan vælge at lukke den udviklede CO2, som giver overtryk i glasset, ud ved at løsne glassets låg forsigtigt og skrue det på igen. Dette skal gøres dagligt eller oftere i de første dage af fermenteringen.

Som alternativ kan du bruge en gærlås, placeret i låget til beholderen. Derved vil den udviklede CO2 automatisk kunne passere gennem gærrørets vandlås og du behøver derfor ikke at lufte ud.

Bruger du gærrør, er det vigtigt ikke at fylde glasset mere end nævnt ovenfor. Hvis du ikke sørger for en "sikkerhedsmargen" vil grøntsagerne, og lagen, løfte sig i glasset og til sidst nå til din udluftning - gærrøret - og derfra videre ud gennem vandlåsen.

En måde at yderligere sikre sig mod at der ikke sker overløb under fermenteringen, er at lægge en vægt ovenpå grøntsagerne, som derved vil sørge for at grøntsagerne ikke så nemt løftes op, men i stedet finder den udviklede CO2 sig vej forbi vægtstene og derfra videre op i frirummet over lagen og derfra videre ud gennem gærrør/vandlås. Til denne bruger man eventuelt et plast-net lagt ovenpå grøntsagerne, derpå vægtsten - ELLER - som alternativ, 2 stk. "fermenteringsriste", hvor den nederste er placeret med bunden op, den øverste med bunden nedad. Derved skabes der plads til luften. Den øverste fermenteringsrist vil, når gæringen er i gang, presse sig op mod glassets låg og dermed yde den fysiske modstand, ligesom vægtstenene gør.

Her er link til de nævnte ting:


At fermentation start

Clean the lid and grommet and put the conical end of SteriLock into the hole of the grommet.

During fermentation

As with other air locks, be careful using SteriLock if fermentation is expected to be very fast. It is not unusual for fermentation to be intense in the first days after starting. It may be necessary to open jar and apply pressure to the vegetables to release the CO2 that has been caught between the vegetables.

Should the fermentation fluid rise so much in the jar that it gets in contacts with the SteriLock, carefully remove the lid from the container. Be careful due to possible overpressure in the container. Clean the SteriLock with tap water, apply pressure to the contents of the jar to release the captured CO2 and put the lid back on the jar.

After fermentation

When fermentation is complete, replace the lid with SteriLock with a normal lid and move the jar to the refrigerator.


Rinse SteriLock with lukewarm water, shake off and allow to dry for 30 minutes.

If the SteriLock has become dirty, remove the lid (top) from the SteriLock and push the nanoseal out using a blunt tool inserted into the pointed end of the SteriLock. Carefully clean the nanoseal with water, shake off the water and allow the plate to dry. Reseat the nanoseal in the SteriLock.


Shipment weight40g

Shipping (Dänemark): 49,00 DKK - Select country:
You may add additional 360 g for the same shipment price. See more here.

Air lock - SteriLock
Air lock for fermentation
Product no.: 7030Steri, Weight: 40 g., Temporarily out of stock
Price for
1 item: 18,00 DKK
3 items: 50,00 DKK

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