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Cheese wax, 600 g, Red

Product no.: 1356VR, Weight: 620 g. (Content: 600 g), Temporarily out of stock
Price for
1 item: 120,00 DKK

Picture of Cheese wax, 600 g, Red

Cheese wax is food-grade paraffin used to coat the surface of hard cheeses. Cheese wax remains soft and pliable, even after being put on the cheese.

Cheese wax is available in 4 colors: natural, yellowred and black.

The purpose of using cheese wax is to protect the cheese against exposure to bacteria and fungi, as well as to retain moisture in the cheese during the ripening/storage.

When the cheese wax is applied, the cheese should be cooled (refrigerator temperature) and it should be sufficiently dry. In order for the cheese wax to adhere, the cheese surface should have a slightly dried crust.

The cheese wax must be heated before it is applied. The heating may be done directly in a pot or a pot using a water bath with boiling water.

When you heat up the cheese wax, be careful not to overheat of the wax as it can cause a fire.

Heat the wax to 90-110°C. This will ensure that any bacteria on the surface of the cheese is destroyed without harming the cheese. Turn off the heat as soon as the temperature is reached.

Cheese wax may be applied with a brush with natural bristles - synthetic hair is not suitable. The cheese wax is brushed on one side of the cheese. Wait until the wax has set, turn the cheese and apply cheese wax on the other side of the cheese.

Cheese wax may also be applied by dipping the cheese into a large pan with the melted cheese wax. First dip one side of the cheese, then the other. Make sure the cheese wax solidifies sufficiently between the turnaround. Be careful with hygiene, use disposable gloves or scalded rubber gloves.

NOTE: If you dip the cheese in a pot, make sure NOT to drop the cheese into the liquid cheese wax. Heated cheese wax is very viscous and could spray up from the pan with a risk of burns.

Be aware that the pot/pan used to heat the cheese wax is difficult to clean after use. You may alternatively, if the wax is heated using a water bath with boiling water, add a piece of plastic on the inner side of the pot/pan.

Apply 2 or 3 layers of cheese wax to get a sufficient amount of cheese wax on the cheese. Do not be too stingy with the cheese adult - it does not pay off.

When the cheese is coated with cheese wax, you may want to create a label or a piece of paper that you attach to the cheese using cheese wax. You can brush a thin layer of wax on top of the paper/label then you will be able to read the label even after long period of ripening.

Cheese wax can be applied to homemade cheeses as well as dairy produced cheeses. If you have a large cheese that you can not expect to eat within the appropriate period of time, you may cut the cheese into suitable blocks and cover each block with cheese wax. You may then enjoy the cheese in smaller portions without it going bad.

Make sure you have a suitable table surface (cheese paper, baking parchment, greaseproof paper) when you work with cheese wax. It can be quite difficult to clean the tabletop etc. as the cheese wax is very greasy. Be precautionous and have a good kitchen sponge and methylated spirits in the house - it is valuable if you need to clean off cheese wax from the kitchen table.

Be careful not to spill hot cheese wax on your skin - it can cause burns.

If you are cautious with hygiene, you may reuse heated and unused wax.

As an alternative to cheese wax, you can use cheese plastic coating - see more here.



Cart - This product     Qty. Per Unit Price
Cheese wax, 600 g, Red 120,00 DKK
0,00 DKK
Cart - Total Inkl. moms   0,00 DKK

Other products with similar contents:

- Hjemmeriet > Cheese > Equipment > Coating: Cheese wax, 600 g, Natural
- Hjemmeriet > Cheese > Equipment > Coating: Cheese wax, 600 g, Red
- Hjemmeriet > Cheese > Equipment > Coating: Cheese wax, 600 g, Yellow
- Hjemmeriet > Cheese > Equipment > Coating: Cheese wax, 600 g, Black
- Hjemmeriet > Cheese > Cultures/enzymes > Other: Cheese wax, 600 g, Yellow


Shipment weight620g

Shipping (Dänemark): 49,00 DKK - Select country:
You may add additional 180 g for the same shipment price. See more here.

Cheese wax, 600 g, Red

Product no.: 1356VR, Weight: 620 g. (Content: 600 g), Temporarily out of stock
Price for
1 item: 120,00 DKK

Show prices:

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