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Ancient wheat species orgininating from Sweden, where it was grown pre modern times. Rediscovered in the 1990ties it is now famously known and valued by many for its exellent baking qualities. The flavor has dept and sweetness, high protein content provides great elasticity to any dough and moist to the bread.
Experience the qualities of Oeland wheat or try one of the other ancient Scandinavian grain types from Aurion.
Bread made with fresh-ground flour is of superior quality and very easy to make, providing you have a good quality grain mill
Hele ølandshvedekerner Allergener: Gluten Oprindelsesland: Danmark Næringsindhold pr. 100 gram
Other products with similar contents: Storage and DurabilityOpbevaring: Tørt og ikke for varmt, 15-25°C. BackgroundHerunder er der information om korn. Læs mere under informationssiderne - se linket øverst på produktsiden. Grains and FlourKornet og melet er naturligvis det vigtigste når man skal bage et godt og sundt brød The Grain
The FlourLoading... BageegenskaberLoading... Nutrition and Baking PropertiesLoading... Organic GrainsLoading... Organic/DemeterLoading... The grain fieldLoading... Spieces EvolutionLoading... Cultural historyLoading... Facts
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