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Adapter, DK to Pin-Earth (Pind-Jord)

Adapter to power connector
Product no.: 8260, Weight: 200 g., In stock
Price for
1 item: 30,00 DKK

Picture of Adapter, DK to Pin-Earth (Pind-Jord)

Adapter DK to Pin-Earth (Pind Jord) - suites the electrical cookers.

If your power outlet in the wall is of type Schuko, then you do NOT need this adapter.

The power connector included with the electrical cookers is of type CEE 7/7 which fit a Schuko power outlet. The adapter is mounted in the connector to ensure that the electrical connection includes connection to Earth in the power outlet in the wall. The adapteren is essentially not needed, but recommended to ensure correct earthing of the electrical wirering when using an electrical cooker.

Note: The adapter is included by default when purchasing electrical cookers from Hjemmeriet.

In Denmark, a large number of the purchaged kitches appliances is sold with the CEE 7/7 connector, and we strongly recommend you to add the adapter to ensure you will not get electric shock in case a short-circuit situation occurs.



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Adapter, DK to Pin-Earth (Pind-Jord) 30,00 DKK
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- Hjemmeriet > Control: Adapter, DK to Pin-Earth (Pind-Jord)
- Hjemmeriet > Control: Adapter, DK to Pin-Earth (Pind-Jord)
- Hjemmeriet > Control: Adapter, DK to Pin-Earth (Pind-Jord)


Shipment weight200g

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Adapter, DK to Pin-Earth (Pind-Jord)
Adapter to power connector
Product no.: 8260, Weight: 200 g., In stock
Price for
1 item: 30,00 DKK

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Telefon: 23 24 48 00 - E-Mail: Hjemmeriet@Hjemmeriet.com - CVR.nr. 41408391 - Hjemmeriet v/Eva Maria Jochimsen
Updated: 2024-10-24 08:22:25
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