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pH-Duotest, 5 meters, Refill.

Product no.: 1353, Weight: 80 g., In stock
Price for
1 item: 148,00 DKK

Picture of pH-Duotest, 5 meters, Refill.

ph-Duotest refill (no dispenser).

For more info see pH-Duotest



Cart - This product     Qty. Per Unit Price
pH-Duotest, 5 meters, Refill. 148,00 DKK
0,00 DKK
Cart - Total Inkl. moms   0,00 DKK

Other products with similar contents:

- Hjemmeriet > Cheese > Equipment > pH-measurement: pH-Duotest, 5 meters, Refill.


Shipment weight80g

Shipping (Dänemark): 49,00 DKK - Select country:
You may add additional 320 g for the same shipment price. See more here.

pH-Duotest, 5 meters, Refill.

Product no.: 1353, Weight: 80 g., In stock
Price for
1 item: 148,00 DKK

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Telefon: 23 24 48 00 - E-Mail: Hjemmeriet@Hjemmeriet.com - CVR.nr. 41408391 - Hjemmeriet v/Eva Maria Jochimsen
Updated: 2024-10-24 06:13:05
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