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pH-meter - Cobra

Product no.: 4755, Weight: 350 g., In stock
Price for
1 item: 460,00 DKK

Picture of pH-meter - CobraPicture of pH-meter - Cobra
Picture of pH-meter - Cobra


pH-meter til måling af syrlighed af væsker.

Praktisk udformet med en 11,5 cm lang og smal Ø12 mm probe.

Leveres med en beskyttelseshætte med opbevaringsvæske.

Anvender 2 stk CR2032 batterier - medfølger.

Til kalibrering af pH-meteret anvendes bufferopløsninger med pH 4.01 og 7.01 - skal tilkøbes separat.
Til opbevaring af elektroden anvendes en opbevaringsvæske - skal tilkøbes separat.



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pH-meter - Cobra 460,00 DKK
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Calibrating solution - pH 4.01 and pH 7.01

Calibrating solution - pH 4.01 and pH 7.01

Price for
1 item: 110,00 DKK

Calibrating solution - pH 4.01 and pH 7.01
110,00 DKK

Storage solution for pH sensor, 50 ml

Storage solution for pH sensor, 50 ml

Price for
1 item: 85,00 DKK

Storage solution for pH sensor, 50 ml
85,00 DKK

Praktisk og vandtæt pH-meter med tydeligt display.

• Praktisk beholder til beskyttelse af elektroden

• 2 punkts AUTO-kalibrering med trykknap

• ATC (Automatisk temperaturkorrektion) fra 0°C til 50°C, med angivelse af temperatur.

• pH-visning: pr 0,01 pH. Nøjagtighed: +/- 0,1 pH.

• Temperatur-visning: pr 0,1°C. Nøjagtighed: +/- 1°C.

• HOLD-funktion.

• Slukker automatisk efter 20 min.

• Anvender 2 x CR2032 batteri (medfølger).

• Dimensioner:
   - Probe Ø 12 mm, Længde 11,5 cm
   - Hus, Bredde 36 mm, Højde 20 mm, Længde 110 mm
   - Display 22 x 28 mm

• Opbevarings- og kalibreringsvæsker købes separat


Proper maintenance of your pH-meter.

Correctly maintaing your pH-meter ensures a long life span.

Here are some precautions:

  • When buying your pH-meter the electrode will be dehydrated.
    Prior to using it for the first time, leave the electrode to soak in storage solution 4 hours.

  • Use the cover (with a damp sponge soaked in storage liquid) on the electrode after each time. This will prolong its lifespand.

  • Calibrate the pH-meteret prior to using it for the first time.
    Normally with calibration solutions pH 4 og pH 7.

  • Make sure not to contaminate the calibration solution. 
    Never insert the electrode directly into the solution, take out a small portion and soak it from there.
    Throw away used calibration solution - do NOT pour it back into the container!

  • Do not touch the electrode, eps. not with your fingers. If you whish to clean it - use a soft cloth without rubbing the electrode.


pH is a measure of the concentration of free hydrogen ions (H+) in a liquid.

The pH scale runs from 0 to 14.
pH of pure water is 7.

Liquids having a higher concentration of H+ compared to pure water is an acid and has a pH below 7.
Liquids having a lower concentration of H+ compared to pure water is a base and has a pH higher than 7.

The pH may be of importance to what can or will happen to a liquid.
The pH of a liquid can be changed by adding various chemical substances which then adds or binds H+.

The pH may also change with bacterial activity in a liquid with a content of sugar, like milk or water/tea with added sugar. Here, the bacteria convert the sugar and form lactic acid which increases the concentration of H+. Thus, the pH will drop during bacterial activity.

By measuring the pH during production of, for example, cheese, yogurt, kefir and kombucha you may optimize the result.


Shipment weight350g

Shipping (Sverige): 100,00 DKK - Select country:
You may add additional 4150 g for the same shipment price. See more here.

pH-meter - Cobra

Product no.: 4755, Weight: 350 g., In stock
Price for
1 item: 460,00 DKK

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