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Yogurt ► Cultures ► Mesophilic

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Sour milk and creme fraiche starter culture - DL - For 1 liter - Organic
Consistency: 3 of 5, Taste: 4 of 5
Starter culture to make homemade soured milk and creme fraiche - recipe included
Product no.: 2402, Weight: 10 g. (Content: 1 g) In stock
Price for
1 item: 32,00 DKK
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Sour milk and creme fraiche culture - DL - For 25 liter
Consistency: 3 of 5, Taste: 3 of 5
Culture for making homemade soured milk or creme fraiche - recipe included
Product no.: VM01N, Weight: 10 g. (Content: 0,5 g) Temporarily out of stock
Price for
1 item: 58,00 DKK
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Starter culture-DL-CHN-11 - For 500 liter
Consistency: 2 of 5, Taste: 5 of 5
Mesophilic lactic acid bacteria
Product no.: CHN-11-1, Weight: 25 g. (Content: 5 g) Temporarily out of stock
Price for
1 item: 90,00 DKK
5 items: 411,00 DKK
10 items: 810,00 DKK
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Starter culture-DL-Flora Danica - For 500 liter
Consistency: 2 of 5, Taste: 5 of 5
Mesophilic lactic acid bacteria
Product no.: FD-1, Weight: 25 g. (Content: 10 g) In stock
Price for
1 item: 132,00 DKK
5 items: 591,00 DKK
10 items: 1160,00 DKK
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Starter culture-D-MM100 (Standard culture) - For 100 liter
Consistency: 3 of 5, Taste: 4 of 5
Mesophilic lactic acid bacteria
Product no.: 1410, Weight: 10 g. (Content: 2 g) In stock
Price for
1 item: 68,00 DKK
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Hjemmeriet Yogurt Cultures Mesophilic

Copyright (c) Hjemmeriet - 2009..2025 - Nyvangsvej 93, 4100 Ringsted - Bemærk: Cirka 20 km fra Ringsted centrum
Telefon: 23 24 48 00 - E-Mail: Hjemmeriet@Hjemmeriet.com - CVR.nr. 41408391 - Hjemmeriet v/Eva Maria Jochimsen
Updated: 2025-02-19 02:18:25
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