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Lactase - Danish - 50 ml

Lactase enzyme for breaking down lactose, sufficient for 120 litres of milk.
Product no.: LAKTASE50, Weight: 60 g., In stock
Price for
1 item: 96,00 DKK
2 items: 170,00 DKK

Picture of Lactase - Danish - 50 ml

Enzym til fødevarer.
Indeholder: Beta-galactosidase
Enzymaktivitet: 5500 BLU/ml,
 BLU/ml ved BFD

Må kun anvendes til fremstilling af laktosefri mælk.
Anbefalet dosis: 2800 BLU/liter mælk,
svarende til 0,5 ml til 1 liter mælk.
Maksimal dosis: 18000 BLU/liter mælk,
svarende til 3 ml til 1 liter mælk.

Lactase is the enzyme that naturally breaks down Lactose (milk sugar) into glucose and galactose.

Lactase can be useful for people with an intolerance to lactose that do therefore not tolerate dairy products such as yoghurt, butter or cheese very well.

Lactase can be taken with a glass of water before or during a lactose-containing meal to promote the breakdown of latose.

Lactase enzyme can also be applyed to milk and cream for a partial or complete breakdown of lactose which will sometimes allow people with low grade lactose intolerance to tolerate milk. This lactase enzyme treated milk can also be used to make soured milk, yogurt, sour cream, butter and cheese from. Just note: The milk must be treated with lactase enzyme before you ferment as Lactase does not work below pH 5.5. Always add this enzyme and give it time to work on the lactose in the milk before you use it to make yogurts, butter or cheese etc.  

Note: Lactose intolerance is not to be confused with an allergy to dairy which is allergic response to the milk proteins. Adding lactase does not break down these proteins nor reduce any symptoms in response to this type of allergic reaction.



Cart - This product     Qty. Per Unit Price
Lactase - Danish - 50 ml 96,00 DKK
0,00 DKK
Cart - Total Inkl. moms   0,00 DKK

This product is Lactase in liquid form.

When added to milk, the lactase will breaks down Lactose (milk sugar) into Glucose and Galactose.

The concentration of our lactase is 5200 NLU per ml. Standard dosage is ½ ml for 1 liter of milk. If you have previously used lactase in a different concentration, you will need to adjust the dosage according to the difference.


The concentration of lactase is given in units of NLU (Neutral Lactase Units) per ml. The higher concentration of lactase the faster the lactose will be broken down into glucose and galactose.

The concentration of our lactase is 5200 NLU per ml. If you have previously used lactase in a different concentration, you will need to adjust the dosage according to the difference.

The lactase can be dosed with a glass dropper or with plastic droppers.
20 drops of lactase equal about 1 ml.

Dosing Instructions:

Add lactase to milk or cream by using ½ ml of lactase per litre of milk/cream. Leave to sit in a refrigerator for 24 hours. This will reduce the lactose content to only a few percent after 24 hours.

If you need further reduction of the lactose, use 1 ml more lactase per liter of milk and/or leave the milk for longer time before consuming it.

The milk could also be heated to maximum 48°C and left to cool off for about 4 hours.

Please note, each person is different and there are degrees of lactose intolerance, and you may have to experiment to find out what is the right dosage for you.

Note om dosering af bakteriekulturer og enzymer

Dosering af bakteriekulturer

Når man giver aktive mælkesyrebakterier de rette vækstbetingelser, dvs. vand, sukker/laktose og den rette temperatur, vil bakterierne formere sig med en hastighed så antallet af mælkesyrebakterier fordobles på cirka ½ time. Bakterierne omsætter sukkeret og vandet til energi og syre, som medfører at væsken bliver mere syrlig i takt med at antallet af bakterier stiger. Når antallet af bakterier efter nogle timer er vokset, er syrligheden af væsken øget, hvilket bevirker at aktiviteten af bakterierne falder. Syrligheden af væsken bliver til sidst så høj at bakterierne ikke længere trives og bakteriernes aktivitet stopper. Som følge af bakteriernes reducerede aktivitet, i takt med øget syrlighed, vil mængden af bakterier som man doserer ved f.eks. opstart af yoghurt eller ostefremstilling ikke være af afgørende betydning for syrningsforløbet. Vores opskrifter angiver ofte doseringen af bakteriekulturer i mængder af ”knivspidse”, hvilket ikke er et præcist mål, blot et udtryk for at der ikke skal bruges ret meget. Som forklaret ovenfor, hvis man laver 2 portioner og doserer dobbelt så meget kultur i den ene som i den anden vil resultatet blot være at den med mindst mængde starterkultur skal syrne ½ time længere end den anden. Man kan derfor udmærket ”strække” forbruget af kultur. Hvis en portion er angivet til at kunne række til 25 liter yoghurt, kan den fint række til mere, hvis man doserer mindre per liter og samtidig blot forlænger syrningstiden en anelse.

Doseringen af enzymer

Enzymer som osteløbe, lipase og laktase er proteiner, som har en kompleks struktur, der har den effekt at hvis enzymet rammer ind i et kaseinmolekyle (for osteløbe), et fedtstofmolekyle (for lipase) eller et laktosemolekyle (for laktase), så brydes kaseinet/fedtstoffet/laktosen op. Efter sammenstødet flyder enzymet uændret videre, rammer ind i flere andre molekyler og fortsætter således nedbrydningen.

Et enzym er ikke en organisme som formerer sig som en mælkesyrebakterie – enzymets effekt er udelukkende en følge af de tilfældige sammenstød af molekylerne. Jo flere sammenstød der sker, des hurtigere går processen og doseringen af enzymet er derfor forholdsvis afgørende for om processen forløber indenfor den tid som procesforløbet gives.

: Hvis man doserer for lidt osteløbe, vil koaguleringen gå for langsomt og mælken vil ikke stivne som ventet. Doseres for meget osteløbe vil mælken stivne hurtigere, men overdosering kan give bitter eftersmag i osten. Osteløbens effekt er meget afhængig af pH og temperatur. Ved frisk mælk med pH på cirka 6,8 er den optimale temperatur 34°C. Ved syrnet mælk (pH 4-5,5) er osteløben mindre kritisk overfor temperaturen og der doseres typisk mindre osteløbe, hvis mælken er syrnet forinden (f.eks. ved friskost og mozzarella). Til de fleste typer at ost, doseres osteløbe med 1 ml per 5 liter mælk. Man kan dosere mindre osteløbe og kompensere ved at forlænge tiden for koagulering, hvilket også har den effekt, at der tilbageholdes mere vand i ostemassen og osten bliver dermed blødere.

: For personer med intolerance overfor laktose, er det vigtigt at laktosen nedbrydes til simple sukkerstoffer, hvilket netop er laktasens effekt. Graden af intolerance er meget individuel. Nedbrydningen af laktosen tager den tid det tager, men doseringen er afgørende for denne tid. Doser efter anvisningen og brug den anviste tid, og inddrag personlige erfaringer. Laktasens effekt er meget afhængig af pH og temperatur. Dette er beskrevet nøjere under beskrivelsen af laktaseproduktet.

: Nedbrydningen af fedtstoffer giver smag i ost. Lipasens effekt er derfor ikke vigtig for at osten skabes, men lipasen er betydende for udviklingen af smag efter at osten er fremstillet. Vil du have en almindelig smagsudvikling, doseres lipasen efter anvisning, ellers doserer du mindre eller mere efter behag. Bemærk at man normalt kun tilsætter lipase til feta og blåskimmelost. Mikroorganismerne som man tilsætter til ostemælken, udvikler nemlig også lipase. For andre typer af ost end feta og blåskimmel, vil der blive skabt tilstrækkeligt af lipase gennem mikroorganismernes virke til at smagsudviklingen vil ske passende gennem modningstiden for osten.

Storage and Durability

Keep refrigerated.

Do not freeze as this will destroy the lactase.

If stored properly (refrigerator) the lactase stays active for several years.


Production of lactose-free milk/cream:

For low lactose intolerance:

  • Add ½ ml of lactase to 1 liter of fresh chilled milk/cream. Add the lactase directly to the bottle, mix thoroughly and put the milk/cream back in the fridge.
  • After 24 hours more than 95% of the lactose will be broken down.

In case of severe lactose intolerance yo may need to use larger doses of lactase and/or leave for longer period of time.

Making lactose-free soured milk and yogurt:

For low lactose intolerance, mix lactase with milk and produce the soured milk/yogurt in the normal way.

For moderate to severe lactose intolerance, follow the procedure as given above to give lactose free milk, then follow the standard procedures for making soured milk and yogurts.

Note : Lactase will have reduced effect if added straight to fermented/soured milk products, because lactase is deactivated after 10 minutes at pH below 5.5, hence it is better if the lactase is added to the milk before fermentation is carried out.

Production of lactose-free cheese:

For low lactose intolerance, mix the lactase with milk the night prior to making the cheese. It is possibly to leave the milk at room temperature over night, this will slowly increase the milk temperaturease, which is advantageous both for cheese production as well as for enhancing lactose break down.

For moderate to severe lactose intolerance, follow the procedure as given above to produce lactose free milk, then proceed to make the cheese following the normal standard procedures.

Making lactose-free butter:

For low lactose intolerance add lactase along with the acidifying culture, then follow the standard procedure for making butter.

For moderate to severe lactose intolerance, lactose-free cream is produces following the procedure as described above, then follow the normal procedure for making butter.


What is lactose intolerance?

Milk contains lactose, proteins, fats and minerals. Babis and other baby mammals breaks down and convert milk in to nutrients by enzymatic breakdown (lactase, among others) in our intestinal tract. When the intake of milk decreases or completely stop, the production of these enzymes in our intestinal system will naturally decrease, sometimes to none. A large percentage of the population however, have the ability to produce lactase as adults and these people will not experience any discomfort by consuming dairy. Most of the adult population in Northern Europe and North America have the ability to produce lactase, while the majority of the adult population on Earth (and about 5% of the Danish population) do not have this ability. If they consume lactose, and it is not broken down by lactase, other degradation processes will take place and possibly result in constipantion or diarrhea.

Milk products treated with lactase also has the following benefits:

  • Dairy products supplemented with lactase will taste sweeter because the amount of sugar molecules is doubled while the calorie content is unchanged. By using lactase-treated milk you may not need to sweeten the processed products.

  • Fermentation time for diary products such as soured milk, yogurt and cheese is reduced.

How lactase is produced...

Lactase is produced by means of the micro-organism, Kluyveromyces lactis. The microorganisms are fed a vegetable substrate and will produce a neutral β-galactosidase (lactase). The lactase is separated from the micro-organisms and they are therefore not present in the end product. For further information, please read the product leaflet - you will find it below the product image.


The break down time of lactose depends on how long it acts on the milk, at what temperature and the amount of lactase you use – see the illustrations below.

Figure 1

Relative activity of lactase in relation to temperature

Figure 2

Decomposition of lactose after 24 hours at 5°C in relation to dosage

Figure 1 shows the activity of lactase relative to the temperature. The temperature must be between 0°C and 48°C. Although lactose breakdown increases almost 10 times the speed at higher temperature, we recommend a lower temperature in order to reduce the risk of bacterial growth. The easiest way, is to let lactase work on the milk while the milk is refrigerated, at approximately 5°C.

Figure 2 shows the breakdown of lactose after 24 hours at 5°C with various dosages of lactase. Viewing the illustrations, you can see that if you use a dosing at 2000 NLU per liter, app. 95% of the lactase is broken down after 24 hours. If you use a dosage of 4000 NLU per liter the break down will be approximately 98%. If the breakdown takes place, for example at 40°C, as you can see on Figure 1 the lactase activity will be app. 6 times greater than at 5°C which means an equal breakdown is achieved after only 4 hours.


Shipment weight60g

Shipping (Denmark): 49,00 DKK - Select country:
You may add additional 340 g for the same shipment price. See more here.

Lactase - Danish - 50 ml
Lactase enzyme for breaking down lactose, sufficient for 120 litres of milk.
Product no.: LAKTASE50, Weight: 60 g., In stock
Price for
1 item: 96,00 DKK
2 items: 170,00 DKK

Show prices:

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