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Small cheese making kit Basic cheese making kit with ingredients and equipment to make the simplest of cheeses such as fresh cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese and mozzarella | |
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Lille hjemmeosteri - Friskost, Flødeost, Rygeost, Mozzarella og Hytteost Hjemmeosteri til fremstilling af friskost, flødeost, rygeost, mozzarella og hytteost | ![]() |
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Standard cheese making kit Cheese making kit with ingredients and equipment for making a great variety of cheeses like feta cheese, cottage cheese, mozarella and many more. | |
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Standard cheese making kit Cheese making kit with ingredients and equipment for making a great variety of cheeses like feta cheese, cottage cheese, mozarella and many more. | |
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Freeze dried lactic acid bacteria.
This is the standard culture included in the cheese starter kits.
Contents: 2 g.
Other products with similar contents: - Hjemmeriet > Cheese > Cultures/enzymes > Starter Cultures: Starter culture-D-MM100 (Standard culture) - Hjemmeriet > Cheese > Cultures/enzymes > Starter Cultures: Starter culture-D-MM100 UsageContains mesophile lactic acid bacteria as we find them in buttermilk and soured milk. Therefore this culture will substitute for the adding of butter milk or soured milk when making cheeses, soured milk, soured cream, butter etc. DosageContents of 2 g is intended for 100 liter. Dosing cultures can be made easy with the use of a spatula with micro spoon. Note om dosering af bakteriekulturer og enzymer
Storage and DurabilityStore in freezer (-18°C).
DocumentsFor additional information - please see the following links: For additional information - please see the following links:Culture OverviewUse the following to understand your possibilities for choosing cultures and enzymes for the production of butter, soured milk or cream, yogurt and cheese. Read the introductory explanations first. This explains the basics you need to understand the range of possibilities. Read this firstTo make dairy products you typically need starter cultures and eventually enzymes and ripening cultures.
Bacteria strains used in starter cultures are classified based on their temperature for optimal growth: A mesophilic starter culture contains mesophilic bacteria strains only. In addition to the mesophilic/thermophilic classification, bacteria strains are divided into classes (O, D, L, T, Y, A and B), depending on specific properties of the bacteria strains. The O, D and L classes are mesophilic. The T, Y, A and B classes are thermophilic. The starter culture tables show which bacteria strains each starter culture includes. Additional information is available for the starter cultures:
The starter cultures contain blends of bacteria strains depending on the style of the dairy product being made. Some of the cultures are shown to contain the same strains of bacteria; however, those cultures are not identical. They each have a different ratio, percentage or contains individual sub-spieces of strains in order to give the desired result. Bacteria strains from class D and L are heterofermentive and will produce lactic acid along with CO2 (gas) and diacetyl and/or other components which will contribute a buttery taste. All other acidifying classes are homofermentive, producing only lactid acid and will contribute a more simple acidic taste. For ripening cultures, proteolysis specifies in which degree the microorganisms breaks down the milk proteins, which contribute to the development of flavour and texture of the product. Lipolysis specifies in which degree the microorganisms breaks down the milk fats, thereby contributing to the development of fatty acid flavour and texture of the product. Suggestions on startersLoading... Culture overviewLoading... MicroorganismsLoading... Her kan du læse mere om syrevækker (åbner i nyt vindue) FactsCurrent storage information: